This is the first of several blogs to come.  I’m finally in Japan and thought it would be good to recap the last couple of days in preparation for leaving for Japan.


I had done my research on where to get my Test.  When I obtained  my VISA the Consulate provided a Covid Testing Certificate.  I noticed that it was in Japanese and English but had some very specific layout, requirements and information required.  I have seen Covid Certificates in the past and recognized there was a difference, so wanted to make sure that the place I went had or would fill out the Certificate the Consulate provided.  Luckily I found a place that provides the specific form.  Got my test done and the certificate was sent to me electronically around 3pm on the day I was leaving.


Japan has a FastTrack system called MYSOS. I recommend that you Register and upload all of the necessary documents.  Just note that you will need all of the documents and upload within a specific time frame or you have to start all over.  When you start the process the home page is Red and after all is uploaded and approved it turns Blue for me.  This turned out to be a real time saver.


My daughter, Remi, volunteered to take me to the Airport.  On the way we stopped for a quick bite to eat in Marina del Rey before heading to the Airport.  I wanted to arrive a little early not knowing what to expect, with COVID precautions and possible check in procedural  delays.  I arrived at 8:30pm to a crowded Terminal and my check-in counter was not going to be open for an hour and a half.  So I found a somewhat secluded seat away from the crowds.


10pm rolled around and headed over to the Check In.  A line already, however ANA has a program that a week before departure they end you an email for an opportunity to upgrade from Economy Class to Premium Economy.   I thought what the heck its a long trip so why not be a little more comfortable.  Day before leaving I got a note that my bid was accepted and Upgraded.  So lucky for me the line to check in just became way shorter, just a few people ahead of me.  Little did I know I had a lucky rabbit’s foot in my luggage.  I got to the Counter and handed my passport to the Agent.  She says “Its a full flight so we upgraded you to BUSINESS CLASS!” OMG, it’s been over 40years since I flew First Class for work and back then it was just a little larger seat and a nice meal.  I walked by those little cubicle on the way to Economy seats wondering what it was like in Business Class.  Now here is where the MYSOS starts to kick in.  Passport and Blue Screen on the MYSOS page and that’s all I needed.  No need to show anything else.  So I was off to the Star Alliance Lounge.


Since my flight was not until 1:20am, it gave me the opportunity to wait in the Lounge.  Have a drink, have a little something to eat and relax before heading to the Gate.  A very nice perk for Business and even Premium Economy.  12:40am announcement to head to the Gate.


I’m now SPOILED.  Only 4 Cubicles in a row.  Each cubicle had a bench seat that relined flat into a bed, large screen monitors, all the comforts of home and the wall of the cubicle go up and down so you have you own private space, only missing a top.  I felt safe, comfortable and somewhat relieved from the COVID stress.  Great refreshments, snacks and meals to choose from, and at any time.  Flight was over in no time thanks to my good luck.  Felt really good to start this trip out like this.


Well I was expecting the dreaded screening process. As I have heard horror stories of it taking hours to go through.  And here is where MYSOS really kicked in.  Although there is a lot of walking from and to several checkpoints, each time I just showed my passport and Blue MYSOS screen and passed through each checkpoint without pulling out any other document, even though I was ready with hard copies of my Covid Test, Vaccination and Booster Certificates.  I saw many pulled aside, deviated to other stations because they did not have the MYSOS registration.  Thank you MYSOS!  Last checkpoint, Immigration, Passport, Visa and declarations and off to pick up my luggage that was waiting for me.  Off to Tokyo.


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