Traditional Cultural Crafts

As a Sansei (third generation Japanese American), from an early age I had been exposed to Traditional Japanese Crafts around our home.  However growing up I never took the time to appreciate the time, articulation, skill, history and tradition that went into what they were.  It was only after my visits to Japan did I start to appreciate them and how they were a part of my ancestry and part of who I am. 

Many of the artisans and Living National Treasure of traditional crafts of Japan are aging.  These Living National Treasures have many years in the crafts and many come from families in which the knowledge was passed down from generation to generation.  As younger generations look at other opportunities of the modern world many do not want to carry on these crafts.  What will happen if no one carries this precious part of who we are?  How can we keep these from disappearing?  Many years and dedication go into these crafts to become masters, too many for me. 

I deeply appreciate and admire it, but is there a way that I can help? Can I bring my knowledge of design experience, background and technology to collaborate with these crafts to help promote and help others understand the importance of these crafts as an inherent part of who they are.  As I live and travel Japan, it is my hope that I can learn more about Japan’s National Treasures and their traditional crafts.