The main objective of this part of my journey was to investigate the crafts of Japan and if it might be possible to integrate with my existing projects and explore the possibilities of collaborating on a series of projects …
Category: Journey
Follow me on my Journey and learn more about Japan and how it may help you understand who you are
bookmark_borderFinding a Doctor in Japan
I have been pretty healthy most of my time here in Japan. However, recently I seem to have caught a bug and thought it might be a good idea to consult a doctor here in Japan. Also a good idea …
bookmark_borderSearching for family in Japan
I have been searching for my family relatives for a while now and some years ago, I took a DNA test in the States through Ancestry. My results only showed potential relatives living in the United States and most I …
bookmark_borderLEARNING JAPANESE Part 2
After about a two month break from taking Japanese Classes in Japan, my second session, LEVEL 2 Classes started this week.
My classes are twice a week for 12 weeks and are part of the City of Shibuya effort to …
bookmark_borderBack in Japan
Back to Japan after making a trip back to the United States.
I wanted to accomplish a few things while in Southern California.
- Family and Friends
- My daughter’s birthday is in July and I wanted to spend time with her
bookmark_borderLEARNING JAPANESE
The one thing that I now regret not doing before moving to Japan was learning Japanese.
My parents never pushed us to learn Japanese, in fact, Japanese was never spoken until my Grandparents moved back to the United States when …
I had done research on shipping some of my personal belongings and furniture in advance. All of my research was done through the internet, and I checked references online.
I had settled on one shipper based in the United States …
Keys in hand, it’s time to move in. I have been in Japan for almost 5 months now but have been leery about buying too many things for my apartment.
Luckily, I had a friend who had offered to store …
I actually had this trip planned some months ago, but it was timely, now that my long-term housing in Japan was finally settled. Itwas time for a little vacation/relaxation.
I met Tom and Jane over 40 years ago and now …
bookmark_borderAPARTMENT SEARCH
Upon my arrival, I knew it would take a little time to find a long-term apartment so I decided to find a short-term accommodations, which is called a service apartment.
A Service Apartment is rented month to month and is …