With my visa in hand, I made my plane reservation for the beginning of August 2023. My initial thought was, how difficult could it be to find a long-term rental and get myself settled here, so I booked a one-month …


A Certificate of Eligibility is a document that verifies the activity in which the foreigner wishes to engage while in Japan.  The Certificate of Eligibility is issued to individuals with specific activities that have been established by the Japan Immigration …

bookmark_borderVISA Update


Currently back in the United States after another 3 month trip to Japan.  

I had 2 specific goals for this trip. 

  • First, to spend some time with my daughter, Remi, visiting specific areas of interest

bookmark_borderKYOTO 2022

Currently, I’m in Kyoto, the Center of History and Culture of Japan.  I have been here a few times and it’s high on my list of cities to live in Japan.  So, I’m here to do two primary things:  

search …

bookmark_borderOTSU, SHIGA 2022

My next stop three days in Otsu, Shiga.  Just 10 minutes by train from Kyoto and adjacent to Lake Biwa, this was a hidden surprise for me.  One where I will definitely come back to.  

  • I stayed at a renovated

bookmark_borderKANAZAWA 2022

I had visited Kanazawa on one of my previous trips to Japan, but this time I wanted to spend my five days exploring.  The city is recognized as having cultural diversity with young aspiring designers migrating to Kanazawa.  Respecting Tradition, …

bookmark_borderHIDA TAKAYAMA GIFU 2022

Gifu has always been a place that I have wanted to visit as it has many Cultural Heritage elements within the Prefecture.  Immediately upon exiting the train station in Hide Takayama and checking into my Hotel, I knew that my …

bookmark_borderNAGOYA 2022

This was my first time to visit Nagoya and since Toyota’s origins are rooted here, I thought a three day visit might be helpful to understand my roots as my grandfather’s family birth name is Toyoda.

  • I visited the Toyota

bookmark_borderSHIZUOKA 2022

This is my first opportunity to actually look at property for sale here in Japan that I can call home, studio and develop a Cultural Institute.  Several were on my list.

I had plans to stay for a couple of …