Upon my arrival, I knew it would take a little time to find a long-term apartment so I decided to find a short-term accommodations, which is called a service apartment.  

A Service Apartment is rented month to month and is furnished including cooking facilities within the unit along with laundry facilities.  I found it fairly easy to rent and paid with a credit card. 

Now that I had some of the basic things in order, it was time to concentrate on finding a long-term Apartment to settle into.  What I thought was going to be very easy, just find a place that I liked in a location I wanted to be in, apply, pay the fees, sign papers and move in.  Well, that proved to be totally incorrect.  

I got through the first stage, applied, and then got rejected.  Rejected not once but three times.  

My short-term service apartments turned out to be more than a short stay, hopping from one service apartment to the next. It seemed to be an impossible task, but I was determined to find a place.  

As it turns out there were several reasons why I was being rejected.  First, I was a non-Japanese speaking foreigner and the other I was a Senior.  

Determined not to give up, I looked for real estate people who not only spoke english but also who were familiar with my situation and who have dealt with similar situations as mine.  

As I would in the States, I did not limit myself to contacting several individuals to widen my possibilities. Things were pretty discouraging at times, but I had that Ganbatte (がんばって)(persevere/do your best)  attitude.  

A person I had contacted provided two possibilities that I was interested in, and set up an appointment to see one of them.  Hopped on the train and waited to see the apartment only to get a call from my agent that they had just accepted an application and it was not available anymore.  

However, there was another one that also looked nice so I quickly went to see where it was located.  I walked for a bit in the general area but was not able to find the exact building.  I took a look at the listing pictures, and they looked larger than most of the pictures that I had been looking at.  

I was going to be leaving for the States for my best friend’s son’s wedding that I did not want to miss and my agent informed me the apartment would not be available to see until next month. I thought well, this is meant to be, and will just have to resume my search when I get back.  

Upon returning to Japan a few weeks later, I found another place through another agent I had located on FaceBook.  

I explained my situation with this new agent, and she indicated she reviewed my situation with the apartment representative, so I visited and applied, I was optimistic but was REJECTED again!  

I had been looking for almost 5 months now, so out of desperation, I called my agent to see if the apartment that I wanted to see before I left for the States if there was anything available. She got back to me and said, that the place I wanted to see back in November was going to be available the first part of February, but I would not be able to view it in person until the later part of January.  What do I do? 

I immediately went out again, looking for the apartment. This time, after multiple searches on google maps, I found it!  Smaller 3-level building with only about 10 units, it looked good from the outside and was located in a nice quiet area of a very nice area, one that was on the top of my list of locations.  Went back to my service apartment and immediately went on line to see if I could find more information on the specific unit that was going to be available.  

My agent also sent over some links of what we thought would give me a better idea of what it looked like inside.  From all of my observations and deductions, it looked it had great potential.  

After several discussions with my agent and weighing the pros and cons, decided I should submit an application so that I would be first in line to get this Apartment.  Lots of paperwork and documents were provided, crossed my fingers and see if I get accepted.  

About a week after submitting my documents, my agent informed me, to expect a call from the Guarantor.  Sure enough, I got a call, and it just happened to be the same person I spoke to about a previously denied apartment.  He was very nice, asked a few questions, and he acknowledged we had spoken before. Hopefully, upon his approval I just needed the Owners Approval.  I’m guessing that all of my previous rejections have been with the Owner’s non Approval, so continued to keep my fingers crossed. 

Some time later my Agent calls! YATA!!! YATA!!! WE DID IT!! 

You don’t know how happy my Agent and I were.  So more paperwork to sign, including a sit down with my Agent and Interpreter to translate and explain all of the documents, as they were all in Japanese.  And most important, forwarding deposits, gift,s and fees.   

Still have not seen the place, but I felt that I had done all my research and felt 90% ok. 

Even though I did know for sure ifI wanted to be there, I knew that there was always a way.  Have to admit, I was a little nervous to see the Apartment.  

Upon arrival my agent met me, and we proceeded to the Apartment.  So far correct building and the Unit I thought it was, top floor, full-width balcony facing East/NorthEast, I thought perfect this is going to work.  

We went up and upon entering and stepping into the Living Room, I knew immediately this was perfect.  Glass along the entire long side, the room filled with natural light and now that this was later in the morning, it was perfect indirect light.  

I looked at my agent and said “PERFECT.”  She acknowledged, “Hai desu!”

Separate Bedroom/Office, small kitchen but very functional, I thought finally and felt a huge weight lifted.  

Move in First of February and could now enjoy my trip to Hawaii to visit long time friends and enjoy the Punaho Carnival!