WHAT is a KOSEKI (Family Registry)

Your Koseki is the key to your ancestry. I my case it tells me where my grandparents were born and when as well as their parents names. It can also be an important document if you want to come to Japan on a Visa or to stay in Japan for a longer period of time.

I was lucky with my mothers family. My grandparents went back to Japan right after World War 2 and came back to the United States in the early 1960’s. In order for them to receive permission to enter the US my mother had to petition and sponsor them. Part of this process required was to provide my grandparents Koseki. So I had a very old and faded document, however a good portion was legible. In particular the city in which my grandparents were born.

I knew from previous trips and some investigation the Koseki was going to be key to my getting a long stay VISA, so I wanted to get a clean copy of this Koseki. In order for this to happen I traveled to where they were born, Wakayama and went to City Hall of the town they were born. Took me close to 3 hours by train from Osaka.

When I arrived at the City Hall, not knowing what to expect, I asked if it was possible to get my grandparents Koseki. Fortunately with my broken Japanese, their broken English and a lot or gesturing we were able to communicate enough. I had done some previous research and knew they would be asking for specific documents before they would give it to me (my moms birth cert, my parents marriage license and my birth cert).  Luckily having all of this they were able to find the Koseki and was given it for about $7usd. Success, one half of the family done.

Now my Grandparents on my Father’s side. This one’s going to be a bit more difficult, as I have basically nothing other than I think they were from Shingu. Follow me as I try to unfold another part of my Ancestry and get their Koseki and maybe help you find your own ancestry.